Expected soon!
Lucas NR1 Competition Magneto | Rewound & Rebuild
Lucas NR1 Competion Magneto | Rewound & Rebuild
100% Original Lucas competition magneto
was mounted on a DBD34GS S works bike from '58
Coding Lucas racing magneto's
N = 45 mm. spindle height. (o.a. BSA Gold Star e.o.)
NR = Special version of ·N· magneto for competition
fitted with:
-N3048 bearings
professional rebuild
- Coil /rewound (factory specs)
- Condenser
- Cap
- etc.
Bench tested under heat / engine race conditions
No exchange unit needed
Suited for BSA GoldStar (45 mm. spindle height) & B32 B34 & B31 B33 and others
KNR1 | NR1
Expected to be ready for shipment & images soon, reservations by order with full payment only